Alan Borthwick



You have goals but want help to make sure they are a reality. You are doing well, but want to ensure that you maximise your options and have clarity for the future to achieve your goals and avoid pitfalls.

People who want or need advice and are prepared to take it.

If you have a complex financial scenario (be it property, investing, estate management, divorce or anything else), i can help make sense of it quickly and give you clarity on what your options are, and advice on what to do.

You might run a company and want to make sure you and your business partner are protected and that your staff are not distracted from work by their finances.


Some of the areas I have helped people in and can help you in:

  • Buying property and financing it - be it first home, rentals, upgrading homes, construction

  • Protecting your family - getting an insurance plan that fits your needs and budget, with a clear idea of what you are covered for and a clear path to when to get rid of it.

  • Planning for your future - whether its clearing debt, saving for your first home, planning for children, clearing the mortgage, saving for retirement or any other goal you have, I can help you acheive this.

  • Investing - making sense of KiwiSaver, with the right asset allocation for the long term and clarity on what you are invested in. Investing outside of KiwiSaver to grow long term wealth, with clarity on what and where you are invested in and what it will provide you over the long term.

  • Complex scenarios - I help people work out how to make sense of complicated financial scenarios, get to the nub of the issue quickly and give you clarity on your options.

  • Life Change advice - I help people to rebuild after divorce or separation, plan financially around having kids, and other major life events.

  • Co-Housing - I work with groups looking to develop a co-housing project.

  • Financial Counselling - Usually through a couple of EAP Providers (Raise and EAP Services), I can help you sort a financial problem through them if your emloyer is a member. If not, we can do this directly with you, or set up your employer to provide this service.

I have been a Financial Adviser since 2003, and am the founder of DUX Financial, which i opened in 2011.

I am a Certified Financial Planner, with a diploma in financial planning from Waikato University, and I hold a national certificate in Financial Services in Mortgages and Insurance.

I am skilled and competent to provide advice in Mortgages, Investing and KiwiSaver, Financial Planning, Fire and General, Life and Personal Risk Insurance, General advice


I have lived in Wellington since 1992, and have lived all over NZ, and was born in Singapore.

I am married to Katrina and have two daughters, Mia and Keira.

I have a black belt in Seido Karate and I am big into Miniature Wargaming (painting and playing with toy soldiers).

To book an appointment you can contact me here or call the office on 0800 000 987.

To connect on Linkedin go here.

To leave a testimonial for Alan and DUX on google - go here.

And if you want to see what on earth toy soldiers are and see Alans hobby stuff, go here (be prepared for maximum nerdery)