I am not convinced that the answer to people not planning for retirement, is more Do It Yourself (DIY) focus. Sure, it’s better than nothing, to use the calculators etc., but the problem with these is the placebo like effect of having run the calculator, and then your brain basically deciding you are done, and then you go back to whatever else you are doing, and spending.
Read MoreFar be it for me to suggest that a student association is unlikely to put out a press release saying everything was fine for students, but they are not exactly the best source for an unbiased opinion.
Read MoreHarsh that the AMP KiwiSaver gets singled out here for who has lost KiwiSaver business, when in reality the banks are creaming most of the KiwiSaver transfers from everyone, as they ‘touch’ clients more often than the other providers.
Read MoreAuctions suck when you don’t have a 20% deposit.
The bank won’t sign off on the property, and short of paying for a valuation before you bid, you have to either just bid or hope, or you have to pay for the valuation, and then might not get the home.
Read MoreIf there’s a single question that’s bound to be hogging dinner table conversation for the next few months it’s whether Mighty River Power (MRP) is a good investment.
Read MoreThe collapse of Ross Asset Management snared 900 investors in what could turn out to be NZ’s biggest Ponzi scheme. Investors now face a massive struggle to claw back some losses.
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