Our Contact Details

Below are our contact details - you can email us or old fashioned phone calls work as well

Contact Form

Use this to drop us an email to make a booking.

The DUX Office

This is the front door to our office.

Main Office, Reception
Phone: 0800 000 987
Email: admin@duxfinancial.co.nz

Level 2, Go Figure Building
85 Ghuznee Street
Te Aro Wellington 6011

Postal Address:
DUX Financial Services
PO BOX 13 511
Wellington, 6440

Alan Borthwick, Adviser
Phone: 0800 000 987
Email: alan@duxfinancial.co.nz

Thivakar Pushparaj, Adviser
Phone: 0800 000 987
Email: thivakar@duxfinancial.co.nz

Michael Craig, Adviser
Phone:0800 000 987
Email: michael@duxfinancial.co.nz

Tim Williams, Adviser
Phone:0800 000 987
Email: tim@duxfinancial.co.nz

Terry Orchard, Adviser (Blenheim)
Phone:0800 000 987
Email: terry@duxfinancial.co.nz

Niraj Patel, Adviser (Timaru)
Phone: 0800 000 987
Email: niraj@duxfinancial.co.nz

Helen M. Grant
Phone: 0800 000 987
Email: helen@duxfinancial.co.nz

Samuel Hill, Adviser
Phone: 0800 000 987
Email: samuel@duxfinancial.co.nz

Manik Bathla, Adviser (Blenheim)
Phone: 0800 000 987
Email: manik@duxfinancial.co.nz


Please see our complaints process here.

outside building.PNG